DOI:Ключові слова:
Tourism sector, natural resource potential, recreational and tourist resources, inclusive tourism, innovations in tourism, rehabilitation and social tourism, psychological health of the population, innovations in the tourism sector.Анотація
The article discusses the features of the development of the modern tourist services market, taking into account natural and tourist recreational resources, historical and cultural heritage and a segment of the Ukrainian economy, within the framework of socio-political events of European integration and changes associated with this process. The key areas of modern research in the development of the tourism sector in Ukraine are the development and consistent implementation of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism. The proposed structural flowchart of recreational tourism resources as a component of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism (IRST) gives an idea of the relationship between existing types of rehabilitation, which are dictated by modern trends in the development of Ukrainian society. This allows us to ensure the development of a unified state system of medical and social protection in the framework of maintaining the physical and psychological health of the population in Ukraine, including people with disabilities.
In the process of researching the level of implementation and use of innovative technologies in the tourism sector, discussion questions were considered regarding the characteristics of the most well-known innovations in the restaurant, hotel and information segments of the tourism industry. The factors and causes affecting the development of innovative technologies in tourism are identified.
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